432.アンドレア・ブランジ、ムナーリを語る ― 2025年01月29日 10:08

昨年2024年に改訂・再販されたアルド・タンキスによるムナーリの作品集「BRUNO MUNARI」(1987/2024)の序文の中で、建築家アンドレア・ブランジがムナーリについて少し長い文章を挙げています。
Bruno Munari
Aldo Tanchis, 2024, Corraini Edizioni -English edition
Preface di Andrea Branzi
We are often asked, and often ask ourselves, in what does the spirit of Italian design really consist? Where does it come from, this design which is apparently so unique that it is scrutinised with great curiosity by manufacturers and designers from all over the world?
It is my view that the spirit and identity of Italian design arise out of a fairly unusual set of historical factors. They are all factors that in a curious fashion combined to create a situation that was actually unfavourable to the development of classic design in Italy, but which have been turned on their head to become a different sort of design synergy, one that is certainly fragile but which has great creative vitality. They have served as an excellent cultural medium for an atypical system of design, of broad international consequence, but whose mode of operation would certainly not have been feasible anywhere else in the world.
If I were obliged to sum up these historical and environmental influences in a very concise way, I would point to three major considerations. The first of these is represented by the history of modern design in Italy. In spite of numerous historical falsehoods in circulation, Italian design was in no way born out of international rationalism. Indeed, there has never been any kind of rationalist movement in Italy, either before or after the war.
The history of modern culture in Italy is characterised by the recurrent appearance of two great historical categories, Futurism and the Novecento. Only on the narrow boundary that separates these two areas can be found the masters of so-called Italian rationality. On close examination, however, it is apparent that even they have always been subject to the influence (a heretical one with respect to rationalist orthodoxy) of these two great tendencies. This is true of Gardella and Albini, as well as of Baldessari and Gio Ponti.
Even Fascism established its widespread popularity among the intellectuals of the design world by acting as an ambiguous intermediary between the two categories: revolution as historical continuity, modernity as national identity. And Italian design retained much of its Futurist stamp, in the notion of a technology that produces not certainties but continual transformations, the sign as dynamic vector and the method as never-ending research: like Munari, for instance...
Alongside this constant feature, the temptation periodically recurs to see modernity as a quest for historical identity, to use old symbols to convey topical concerns: the Italian postmodern is wholly based on theorems that were once used by the Novecento.
2つのカテゴリーのあいまいな仲介役として機能することで、ファシズムもまたデザイン界の知識人たちに広く人気を確立した: 歴史的連続性としての革命、国民的アイデンティティとしての近代性。そしてイタリアン・デザインは、確実なものではなく絶え間ない変容を生み出す技術、動的なベクトルとしての記号、終わりなき研究としての手法という概念において、未来派:ムナーリなど…の痕跡を多く残している。この絶え間ない特徴と並行して、モダニティを歴史的アイデンティティの探求と見なし、古いシンボルを使って時事的な関心を伝えようとする誘惑が定期的に繰り返されてきた: イタリアのポストモダン(デザイン)は、すべてかつてノヴェチェントが用いた定理に基づいているのだ。
The second consideration (not historical but environmental) is represented by the de-regulation of the overall system of Italian design. I am speaking of the absence of unitary and central schools of design, which has led to an input to the profession from two different sources: on the one hand from great natural talents (like Munari, for example...), and on the other from architects who received their training in faculties where design was not taught: extraordinary and skilful naifs, in an environment characterised by a wide-ranging university culture.
第二(歴史的なものではなく、環境的なもの)の考察はイタリアのデザインシステム全体の規制の緩和である。私が述べたいのは、統一的で中心的なデザイン学校が存在しないことで、2つの異なる情報源: 一方では(例えばムナーリのような…)偉大な天才たちから、他方ではデザインを教えない(大学の建築)学部:幅広い大学文化に特徴づけられる環境で訓練を受けた非凡で巧みな素人である建築家たちから、専門職への情報がもたらされたことだ。
The last consideration (though it might well be the most comprehensive of all) is that of Italian political history, where modern culture has always been in opposition, and has been associated with scandal, rupture and minority interests.
Whereas in the other great democracies of Europe (Britain, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Holland and Belgium) the Modern Movement received the accolade of official adoption, as the mark of a continuity with tradition and with social reform, in Italy it has always signified criticism, controversy and heterodoxy. As in Munari, for example...
Even the partnership between Italian design and industry has never taken place at the level of a simple functional integration, but involves rather a successful collaboration between a highly flexible manufacturing system and a design rich in unaccustomed methodologies, heedful of the languages of art and endowed with powerful figurative codes of its own.
If this has been (in broad terms) the 'mode of operation of the system of Italian design', the work of Bruno Munari cuts right across it, and in some ways represents an important key to its interpretation on an autobiographical level.
Munari's work can serve not only as a formal and methodological example of the spirit of Italian design, but also a suggestive demonstration of it, of how everything can be turned into daily life and work. ムナーリの作品は、イタリアン・デザインの精神を形式的にも方法論的にも示すだけでなく、あらゆるものが日常生活や仕事にどう転用できる方法を示唆的に示してくれるものだ。
In point of fact, it seems easier to describe Munari's career in terms of a design project for a mode of living, rather than in terms of a profession and an art.
Not because his life has been an extraordinary one in formal terms; indeed, it has been the opposite. His domestic and everyday character is perfectly straightforward. And it may be in this that there resides one of the most important qualities of his work: aesthetic research that produces 'normal' values in life. Almost a utopia, in which the artist and the ordinary man, for once, are not the opposite poles of an impossible duality, but coexist in harmony.
それは彼の人生が形式論的に並外れたものだったからではなく、その反対なのだ;彼の家庭的で日常的な性格は完全なまでに真っ当なものだ。そこにこそ彼の作品の最も重要な特質: 生活における「普通」の価値を生み出す美学的研究という性格があるのかもしれない。それはほとんどユートピアのようで、そこでは芸術家と普通の人が不可能な二元性の反対極にあるのではなく調和し、共存している。
Much has been written on the subject of his continual research into signs, materials and surreal values. For Munari, reality is an all-inclusive fact, a unique system made up of bodies, but also of their shadows, double meanings and possible ambiguities. Indeed, he often discovers pleasant surprises concealed in human and technological error.
Munari often says, and rightly, that it is not research that should be purposeful, but its results. In other words, let me play, then we will see. What this comes down to is an affirmation of the scientific method, for Munari wants to have maximum freedom at the outset, wishing to understand thoroughly what kind of quality can produce the 'unthought of'. Then he wants to apply the results to design (which is again creative reflection, applied science).
By doing this, he produces art applied to industry; but also industry applied to art. Pure research, but amid the compromises of daily life. Play as science, but the other way round as well. And without excluding chance.
Like the English reformers of the last century, Munari sees design as produced by a happy designer; his peace of mind is indispensable to the quality of the design, and therefore of culture. Unhappiness can produce nothing but more of itself.
In 1985 he received the Award of the City of Osaka, which in Japan is equivalent to being declared a national monument. There can be no doubt that the Japanese admire in him many of their own virtues: courtesy, innocence, cunning. And there are many things in Bruno Munari that find an echo in Oriental culture, and in the Confucian virtues in particular.
前世紀の英国の(デザインの)改革者たちのように、ムナーリはデザインを幸福なデザイナーによって生み出されるものと考えている; 彼の心の平穏は、デザインの質、ひいては文化の質にとって不可欠なのだ。1985年彼は日本で国家表彰(ナショナル・モニュメント)に相当する大阪市の賞を受賞した。(※ブランジは大阪での第二回国際デザイン展での国際デザイン・アワード受賞について、やや誤解した解説をしている)日本人たちが彼の中に自分たちと似た美徳の多く: 礼儀正しさ、無邪気さ、狡猾さを評価したことは疑いようがない。ブルーノ・ムナーリの中には東洋文化、特に儒教の美徳に通じる多くの要素がある。
In some ways Gianni Vattimo was correct in describing Munari's work as pervaded by a weak mode of thought.
Weak in the sense that, unlike the strong versions of design, which have marked the Western avant-garde movements of this century, committed as they were to imagining a new anthropology suited to the age of industrialism, Munari, like much of Eastern culture, has been heading in the opposite direction. That is to say, he has sought to filter technology through a gracious code, without rejecting anything but also without interiorising the machine, without letting himself be totally carried away by the torrid wind of industrialism. On the contrary, he has adopted the Oriental technique of ju-jitsu, which consists in assisting the force of nature or of an adversary, in order to turn it against them. To do this he does not need to be 'against' reality, but 'within' it; so as to seek out the good soul of the world, the last drops of humidity inside even the driest of stones.
And Munari, as a good Venetian-Milanese Shintoist, believes that there is a soul hidden in things, in machines or in wires; and perhaps he does not believe in death, in the existence of unusable areas of material life. そしてムナーリは、ミラノ生まれヴェネチア育ちのよき(日本の)神道主義者のように、物や機械や電線の中に魂が隠されていると信じている; おそらく彼は、死や、唯物的生命に使用できない領域の存在を信じていないのだろう。
Fundamentally Munari, like those from the Orient, believes that culture does not reside in finished products, but in the act of making them. Not in the result, but in the process.
Yet I do not wish to drive Munari into the arms of the East, far away from our own culture. I see in him one of the few smiling sages that we have available to us; I do not call him Master because he has always taught that it is necessary to be able to do without one. And that a child may be worth as much and perhaps even more than a great thinker, when it comes to dealing with the enigmas of the world.
とはいえ、私はムナーリをイタリアの文化から遠く離れた東洋文化の中へ追いやろうとは思わない。私は彼に、私たちが学び得る数少ない微笑む賢人の姿を見ている; 私が彼をマエストロ(教師)と呼ばないのは、彼自身が常に、学びには教師がいなくてもやっていけることが必要だ、と説いてきたからだ。そして世界の謎に対処することになれば、子どもは偉大な思想家と同じくらい、むしろそれ以上の価値があるかもしれない。
Andrea Branzi
イタリアのノヴェチェント・ムーブメントとは、ムッソリーニのファシズム論理に基づく芸術を創造するために1922年にミラノで創設されたイタリアの芸術運動。(Wikipedia 英語版より)
Bruno Munari
Aldo Tanchis, 2024, Corraini Edizioni -English edition
Preface di Andrea Branzi
We are often asked, and often ask ourselves, in what does the spirit of Italian design really consist? Where does it come from, this design which is apparently so unique that it is scrutinised with great curiosity by manufacturers and designers from all over the world?
It is my view that the spirit and identity of Italian design arise out of a fairly unusual set of historical factors. They are all factors that in a curious fashion combined to create a situation that was actually unfavourable to the development of classic design in Italy, but which have been turned on their head to become a different sort of design synergy, one that is certainly fragile but which has great creative vitality. They have served as an excellent cultural medium for an atypical system of design, of broad international consequence, but whose mode of operation would certainly not have been feasible anywhere else in the world.
If I were obliged to sum up these historical and environmental influences in a very concise way, I would point to three major considerations. The first of these is represented by the history of modern design in Italy. In spite of numerous historical falsehoods in circulation, Italian design was in no way born out of international rationalism. Indeed, there has never been any kind of rationalist movement in Italy, either before or after the war.
The history of modern culture in Italy is characterised by the recurrent appearance of two great historical categories, Futurism and the Novecento. Only on the narrow boundary that separates these two areas can be found the masters of so-called Italian rationality. On close examination, however, it is apparent that even they have always been subject to the influence (a heretical one with respect to rationalist orthodoxy) of these two great tendencies. This is true of Gardella and Albini, as well as of Baldessari and Gio Ponti.
Even Fascism established its widespread popularity among the intellectuals of the design world by acting as an ambiguous intermediary between the two categories: revolution as historical continuity, modernity as national identity. And Italian design retained much of its Futurist stamp, in the notion of a technology that produces not certainties but continual transformations, the sign as dynamic vector and the method as never-ending research: like Munari, for instance...
Alongside this constant feature, the temptation periodically recurs to see modernity as a quest for historical identity, to use old symbols to convey topical concerns: the Italian postmodern is wholly based on theorems that were once used by the Novecento.
2つのカテゴリーのあいまいな仲介役として機能することで、ファシズムもまたデザイン界の知識人たちに広く人気を確立した: 歴史的連続性としての革命、国民的アイデンティティとしての近代性。そしてイタリアン・デザインは、確実なものではなく絶え間ない変容を生み出す技術、動的なベクトルとしての記号、終わりなき研究としての手法という概念において、未来派:ムナーリなど…の痕跡を多く残している。この絶え間ない特徴と並行して、モダニティを歴史的アイデンティティの探求と見なし、古いシンボルを使って時事的な関心を伝えようとする誘惑が定期的に繰り返されてきた: イタリアのポストモダン(デザイン)は、すべてかつてノヴェチェントが用いた定理に基づいているのだ。
The second consideration (not historical but environmental) is represented by the de-regulation of the overall system of Italian design. I am speaking of the absence of unitary and central schools of design, which has led to an input to the profession from two different sources: on the one hand from great natural talents (like Munari, for example...), and on the other from architects who received their training in faculties where design was not taught: extraordinary and skilful naifs, in an environment characterised by a wide-ranging university culture.
第二(歴史的なものではなく、環境的なもの)の考察はイタリアのデザインシステム全体の規制の緩和である。私が述べたいのは、統一的で中心的なデザイン学校が存在しないことで、2つの異なる情報源: 一方では(例えばムナーリのような…)偉大な天才たちから、他方ではデザインを教えない(大学の建築)学部:幅広い大学文化に特徴づけられる環境で訓練を受けた非凡で巧みな素人である建築家たちから、専門職への情報がもたらされたことだ。
The last consideration (though it might well be the most comprehensive of all) is that of Italian political history, where modern culture has always been in opposition, and has been associated with scandal, rupture and minority interests.
Whereas in the other great democracies of Europe (Britain, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Holland and Belgium) the Modern Movement received the accolade of official adoption, as the mark of a continuity with tradition and with social reform, in Italy it has always signified criticism, controversy and heterodoxy. As in Munari, for example...
Even the partnership between Italian design and industry has never taken place at the level of a simple functional integration, but involves rather a successful collaboration between a highly flexible manufacturing system and a design rich in unaccustomed methodologies, heedful of the languages of art and endowed with powerful figurative codes of its own.
If this has been (in broad terms) the 'mode of operation of the system of Italian design', the work of Bruno Munari cuts right across it, and in some ways represents an important key to its interpretation on an autobiographical level.
Munari's work can serve not only as a formal and methodological example of the spirit of Italian design, but also a suggestive demonstration of it, of how everything can be turned into daily life and work. ムナーリの作品は、イタリアン・デザインの精神を形式的にも方法論的にも示すだけでなく、あらゆるものが日常生活や仕事にどう転用できる方法を示唆的に示してくれるものだ。
In point of fact, it seems easier to describe Munari's career in terms of a design project for a mode of living, rather than in terms of a profession and an art.
Not because his life has been an extraordinary one in formal terms; indeed, it has been the opposite. His domestic and everyday character is perfectly straightforward. And it may be in this that there resides one of the most important qualities of his work: aesthetic research that produces 'normal' values in life. Almost a utopia, in which the artist and the ordinary man, for once, are not the opposite poles of an impossible duality, but coexist in harmony.
それは彼の人生が形式論的に並外れたものだったからではなく、その反対なのだ;彼の家庭的で日常的な性格は完全なまでに真っ当なものだ。そこにこそ彼の作品の最も重要な特質: 生活における「普通」の価値を生み出す美学的研究という性格があるのかもしれない。それはほとんどユートピアのようで、そこでは芸術家と普通の人が不可能な二元性の反対極にあるのではなく調和し、共存している。
Much has been written on the subject of his continual research into signs, materials and surreal values. For Munari, reality is an all-inclusive fact, a unique system made up of bodies, but also of their shadows, double meanings and possible ambiguities. Indeed, he often discovers pleasant surprises concealed in human and technological error.
Munari often says, and rightly, that it is not research that should be purposeful, but its results. In other words, let me play, then we will see. What this comes down to is an affirmation of the scientific method, for Munari wants to have maximum freedom at the outset, wishing to understand thoroughly what kind of quality can produce the 'unthought of'. Then he wants to apply the results to design (which is again creative reflection, applied science).
By doing this, he produces art applied to industry; but also industry applied to art. Pure research, but amid the compromises of daily life. Play as science, but the other way round as well. And without excluding chance.
Like the English reformers of the last century, Munari sees design as produced by a happy designer; his peace of mind is indispensable to the quality of the design, and therefore of culture. Unhappiness can produce nothing but more of itself.
In 1985 he received the Award of the City of Osaka, which in Japan is equivalent to being declared a national monument. There can be no doubt that the Japanese admire in him many of their own virtues: courtesy, innocence, cunning. And there are many things in Bruno Munari that find an echo in Oriental culture, and in the Confucian virtues in particular.
前世紀の英国の(デザインの)改革者たちのように、ムナーリはデザインを幸福なデザイナーによって生み出されるものと考えている; 彼の心の平穏は、デザインの質、ひいては文化の質にとって不可欠なのだ。1985年彼は日本で国家表彰(ナショナル・モニュメント)に相当する大阪市の賞を受賞した。(※ブランジは大阪での第二回国際デザイン展での国際デザイン・アワード受賞について、やや誤解した解説をしている)日本人たちが彼の中に自分たちと似た美徳の多く: 礼儀正しさ、無邪気さ、狡猾さを評価したことは疑いようがない。ブルーノ・ムナーリの中には東洋文化、特に儒教の美徳に通じる多くの要素がある。
In some ways Gianni Vattimo was correct in describing Munari's work as pervaded by a weak mode of thought.
Weak in the sense that, unlike the strong versions of design, which have marked the Western avant-garde movements of this century, committed as they were to imagining a new anthropology suited to the age of industrialism, Munari, like much of Eastern culture, has been heading in the opposite direction. That is to say, he has sought to filter technology through a gracious code, without rejecting anything but also without interiorising the machine, without letting himself be totally carried away by the torrid wind of industrialism. On the contrary, he has adopted the Oriental technique of ju-jitsu, which consists in assisting the force of nature or of an adversary, in order to turn it against them. To do this he does not need to be 'against' reality, but 'within' it; so as to seek out the good soul of the world, the last drops of humidity inside even the driest of stones.
And Munari, as a good Venetian-Milanese Shintoist, believes that there is a soul hidden in things, in machines or in wires; and perhaps he does not believe in death, in the existence of unusable areas of material life. そしてムナーリは、ミラノ生まれヴェネチア育ちのよき(日本の)神道主義者のように、物や機械や電線の中に魂が隠されていると信じている; おそらく彼は、死や、唯物的生命に使用できない領域の存在を信じていないのだろう。
Fundamentally Munari, like those from the Orient, believes that culture does not reside in finished products, but in the act of making them. Not in the result, but in the process.
Yet I do not wish to drive Munari into the arms of the East, far away from our own culture. I see in him one of the few smiling sages that we have available to us; I do not call him Master because he has always taught that it is necessary to be able to do without one. And that a child may be worth as much and perhaps even more than a great thinker, when it comes to dealing with the enigmas of the world.
とはいえ、私はムナーリをイタリアの文化から遠く離れた東洋文化の中へ追いやろうとは思わない。私は彼に、私たちが学び得る数少ない微笑む賢人の姿を見ている; 私が彼をマエストロ(教師)と呼ばないのは、彼自身が常に、学びには教師がいなくてもやっていけることが必要だ、と説いてきたからだ。そして世界の謎に対処することになれば、子どもは偉大な思想家と同じくらい、むしろそれ以上の価値があるかもしれない。
Andrea Branzi
イタリアのノヴェチェント・ムーブメントとは、ムッソリーニのファシズム論理に基づく芸術を創造するために1922年にミラノで創設されたイタリアの芸術運動。(Wikipedia 英語版より)